Um I'm not sure what to call this!!


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Sunday, January 30, 2011


New Jersey had enough snow fall.  Just last week we had our sixth snow storm in 30 days.  But the weird thing was that we got snow and thunder at the same time!  South Brunswick specifically, had 19 inches of snow from our last snowstorm and some say enough is enough.  To make matter worse all schools were canceled.  In addition, many over 400,000 people lose power which was scary because this is only January and we still have one more month to go!
With the 19 inches added to the total of snowfall we have over 50 inches!  Too much snow is what I have to say and if snow keeps falling people will eventually have to give up at some point.  What I recommended to people is to make sure you have shovels and a lot of salt especially if you live up north or in the east.  Good Luck and make sure you stay warm.

Here are some pictures of snow!

Snow Blanketing East Coast
Add cThree men attempt to free an automobile from the snow on New York's Upper West Side, Jan. 27

Snow Blanketing East Coast
Jan Eggers digs out his car in New York City Jan. 27, 2011, the morning after another storm dumped more than a foot of snow in some areas overnight

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Punnett squares!!!!!!

In class we have began the study of genetics.  Genetics is the study of  heredity.  In addition to the fun activities we have done for genetics so far, we also began punnett square.  Punnett squares shows the probability of what alleles can occur when people cross genetics.  This all started from a scientist named Gregor Mendel.  Mendel observed pea plants and noticed that some pea plants had the same and different traits from there parents.  This discovery triggered another one.  When a new organism is made the process of fertilization is formed.  Fertilization is when a egg and a sperm is joined together to create a organism.  Another would for fertilization for pea plants is pollination.  Mendel was a smart man and he wonder; what happened if you cross pollinate?  The hypothesis lead to the activity of cross pollination.  Mendel took one tall pea plant and instead of pollinating it into the same type of pea plant he pollinate it into a different type of pea plant;a small pea plant.  In a couple of days Mendel check the pea plants and it seemed that one plants was three fourths bigger than the other.  Mendel tried again and this time he cross pollinated with four plants instead of two plants.  The results was three-fourths of the plants was tall.  Mendel was intrigued with the results which began the study of punnett squares.
Gregor Mandel known for his discovery of cross pollination.

In class we began punnett squares.

"A" stands for tall and "a" stands for small


This is a punnett square.  As you can see the mother traits(Top) and the father traits(Left) cross together.  When looking at a punnett square you could decide what the genotype and phenotype is .  Phenotype is what the organism will look like on the outside and genotype is what it really looks like from the inside is the percentage to see if the traits are homozygous or heterozygous.  Heterozygous means it is different and homozygous means it is the same.  In addition, homozygous could be label as dominate or recessive.   Dominate and recessive are how traits are label because some traits over power other.  Those traits are dominate.  However, some traits are the opposite.  They are recessive.  For example brown eyes is dominate to blue eyes.  Therefore, brown is dominate and blue eyes are recessive.  Lastly, homozygous and heterozygous are label by percentage.  For example 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%.In this example above you can see that the scientist cross correctly.  For phenotype is would be 75% tall and 25% short.  For genotype it would be 25% homozygous dominate, 25% homozygous recessive, and 50% heterozygous.  With punnett squares scientist around the world are able to solve more mysteries about genetics.

                                                                                                          By: Whiteknight83