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Sunday, November 7, 2010

The book Tiger by Jeff Stone

  Q: Take any book you are reading (like the one for Lit.) and apply the ecology concepts you are learning about in science to it. Write a minimum of two paragraphs on your blog about science and your novel.

  A: Tiger by Jeff Stone is an engaging novel that shows the ecology concepts that we have and are learning in school. Tiger is about a monk named Fu who is being hunted by the dangerous general Ying.  Ying is hunting Fu because Ying wants the dragon scroll which Fu has.  Therefore, Fu has to run and hide from Ying because if Ying gets the dragon scroll he will become the strongest and most powerful monk who ever lived.  This novel applies the ecology concepts of carnivore, omnivore, consumer, adaptation, and an organism.However, what do these terms and concepts mean?
     A carnivore is an organism who eats meat and a omnivore eats both plants  and meat.  Adaptation is where an organism tries to live successfully in its habitat.  A consumer is an organism who eats animals and finally a organism is a living thing. 

However, how do these terms and concepts apply to Tiger?  Adaptation is used in the book because Fu has to learn how to adapt into his surroundings in order to hide and live far away from Ying.  In addition, Fu is a living thing therefore he is an organism.  A carnivore is represented by a cub who makes friend with Fu and an omnivore is based on Fu since he eats both meat and plants.  Lastly both a cub and tiger are consumers.  In conclusion, this is how the novel Tiger by Jeff Stone applies ecology concepts.  I recommend this book 100% because you can NEVER put it down!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Adaptation is where on living organism has to adapt to there surroundings. This squirrel in this picture is an example of adaptation to the environment.  It is an example of adaptation because the squirrel use the tree, on the left of the picture, for survival.  The tree gives the squirrel food because it grows acorns.  In addition, it gives the squirrel a home because the trees has branches and holes that the squirrel could live in.  Also, the tree gives the squirrel protection because the tree is very high.  Therefore, when ever the squirrel sights a predator it could run up the tree for protection.  This tree plays a big part for squirrel survival. 


Friday, October 1, 2010

In the Ecology world these trees are a biotic limiting factor.  A biotic limiting factor is a living, growing feature that limits the population in the ecosystem.  These trees limits the sunlight that plants and grass needs to grow.  However, these trees also provide a source of shelter and food to living animals.  For example, birds and squirrels get acorns from these trees.  In addition, birds make their nest in these trees. This is why trees are biotic limiting factors in the ecology world.

This picture was took by WhiteKnight83