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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Diffusion Lab: corn starch and iodine

Today in class we did a lab with corn starch and iodine.  We putted a sealed bag of corn starch into a cup of water and iodine.  We put water in the iodine to diluted the chemical so it will be less concentrated.  We wait 15 minutes after we put the bad of corn starch in to see the results.
The solution in beaker was brown and the solution in the bag was white
The solution in the beaker was dark orange like iced tea and the solution in the bag was purple.
This happen because the iodine molecules were so small they were able to go through the bag.  This
is like a cell membrane.  A cell membrane controls entry in and out of the cell like food and water molecules.
In the iodine case, the bag is letting iodine molecules through
I like this ab a lot because we were able to learn more about the cell with cool examples.
By : The awesome WHITEKNIGHT83

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